Final Game – Instructions by Sections

Complete all content in each section on the GAME DEVELOPMENT DOCUMENT!!!

GENRE ANALYSIS For the genre analysis, you will explain the genre your game falls under. Game genre can be defined by the story, but is oftentimes defined by how the user interacts with the game. Some game genres include:

  • Sandbox
  • Real-time strategy (RTS)
  • Shooters (FPS and TPS)
  • Multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA)
  • Role-playing (RPG, ARPG, and More)
  • Simulation and sports
  • Puzzlers and party games
  • Action-adventure
  • Survival and horror
  • Platformer

In the first paragraph, explain the genre in general. In the second paragraph, explain your game in the context of this genre.

DESIGN OUTLINE It should include the content in the following order:

  • Content
    • Design Outline
      • Theme
      • Setting
      • Game Play
        • Game Rules
        • Challenges
        • How to Overcome the Challenges
      • Key Mechanics

CONCEPT ART Concept art is used to illustrate ideas for the game.  The illustrations may include characters, settings, objects, etc.  The concept art can be sketched by hand or done digitally.  You should have a total of 4 concept art pieces.  Each partner should complete 2 pieces.

PROTOTYPING For the prototype of your current game, submit the following SCREENSHOTS:

  • setting #1
  • setting #2
  • character #1 (original creation)
  • character #2 (original creation)
  • code

In the document, specify who created which settings and characters

  • There should be 1 setting and 1 character per student if you are working in collaborative pairs
  • Include a screenshot of your code (at least 15 lines of code)


  • On your Game Development Document, include the following:
    • A LINK to the game in
    • Copy and Paste entirety of program code
    • The link and program code should be included after the Concept Art
    • Refer to Game Design Document Order prior to submission
  • Note: If you are using a different game dev engine, download code and zip files of program code. I should be able to run it on my computer.

Check your game for the following requirements. In addition, refer to the rubric on the main Game Development page.

  • Has the essential interactions for your game in full, working order:
    • lives: health bar or count
    • score
    • timer (optional)
    • object interactions (how to earn / lose points)
    • fail states and win conditions
  • Can be played from start to finish with no bugs
  • Presents a complete picture of how the finished gameplay will operate – key mechanics and the general path through the game should all be complete and in working order


On the Game Development document, complete the following: In addition to completing the full game project, you will complete a brief programmer’s reflection (independent). This reflection should be 1 page (single-spaced).

For the programmer’s reflection, answer the following questions:

Describe your experience.

  • Did this game development experience give you a new perspective, challenge your point of view, or introduce you to new techniques, skills, processes?
  • What did you learn about yourself as a developer?
  • How did your involvement and participation in this project fit into your broader career goals for yourself?
  • What strengths or beliefs did you share with your partner?
  • How could you have improved in the game development process?