Category: Policies
Computer Use
Each student will be assigned a computer to use while in class. Use ONLY the computer that you are assigned. As it is a public resource, do not customize nor change the settings. No eating nor drinking to prevent damage. It is your responsibility to save all work in the cloud! Click the class period…
Submitting Work
Assignments will be submitted digitally via the course platforms (i.e., AP Classroom, CodeHS) or via Google form. All assignments must be submitted as a PDF document, unless otherwise specified. On Google docs or slides, follow the following steps to save as a PDF file: Go to: File -> Download -> PDF Document
Makeup Work
There are strict deadlines provided to you in advance in order to ensure timely submission and alignment with the curricular schedule. There will be no extension of deadlines, except in the case of an excused absence. An excused absence includes proper documentation provided to the attendance office and communicated with the teacher. You have one…
Academic Integrity
Any work that you submit must be your own. In addition, any ideas, text, images, or data that you borrow from others and include in your work must be properly cited, including work produced by generative AI. Failure to give credit where credit is due is plagiarism. There is zero tolerance for plagiarism (which includes…