Unit 1: Digital Info
- L9: Lossless Compression
- Text Compression Widget
- L10: Lossy Compression
- Lossless Compression Activity
- Lossy Compression Widget
- Khan Academy
- Complete the following with 100% accuracy:
- Lossless file compression – Exercise (4 questions)
- Lossy vs. lossless compression – Exercise (4 questions)
- Digital copyright & licenses – Exercise (4 questions)
- Digital information – Quiz 3 (5 questions)
- Digital information – Unit Test (9 questions)
- Deadline: Friday, 9/6 by 11:59 PM
- Complete the following with 100% accuracy:
- L11 Intellectual Property
- A Look Ahead:
- Read and take notes: How Does the Internet Work?
- Reading due Monday, 9/9/24
- Units 1 & 2 Exam Wednesday, 9/18/24
- Read and take notes: How Does the Internet Work?
Unit 2: The Internet
- How does the Internet work?
- Human Network Activity
- Layers of the Internet
- Battleship with the Internet Simulator
- DDos, Malware, and Phishing
- Khan Academy Practice
- The Internet Unit
- Complete all lessons in this unit with 100% accuracy
- Deadline: Thursday, 9/19 at 11:59 PM.
- The Internet Unit
Unit 2: The Internet
- Internet Dilemmas
- 9/20 – Units 1 & 2 Exam
Unit 3: App Design
- L1: Intro to Apps
- L2: Intro to Design Mode
- L5: Intro to Programming
- L6: Debugging
- L3, L7: Designing an App Parts I & II (App Project #1)
- Planning Guide
- Submission
- Deadline for App Project #1 and Planning Guide: 9/27/24 at 11:59 PM
Partners for App Projects: